Vacation illness

I hate typing on the iPad. I have a keyboard but I didn’t bring it on this trip. I was thinking if i brought it work would just be that much easier to do – and I do not want to be working. I am not, and don’t even have too many emails to sift through with the Easter holidays and all. But I am sick. I am alternately sweating and freezing and have slept most of the day away. Acetaminophen is not touching the sharp pain in the back of my throat and my head is pounding so much that I don’t even want to watch Netflix.

So here’s hoping that tomorrow is a brighter day, and that I can go back to the beach and watch dolphins swimming in the distance and see my son watch his cousins ‘rescue’ crabs and jellyfish caught on the beach in high tide. (He’s interested but he’d rather not get too close, thankyouverymuch.)