
It feels like a long time since I blogged, probably because it has been.  Also because the novelty and emotions that come with having a special needs child start to be less novel and so I have less to report on.  These days are beautifully ordinary.

C is talking more, even in the past few weeks. I feel like I can ask her questions and have a short conversation.  “I do it!” “Mine!”  Beautifully ordinary two-year old phrases.

B was sick recently with a cold and cough.  She had the “work of breathing” signs I now recognize well, and I took her  up to the ER.  It was almost her longest stay yet – two night and three full days, rather than being released in the morning.  She was unhappy, pleading with me to remove her sat probe and tearing her nasal prongs off at one point. She will be on preventative steroids from now on and we hope we can avoid another ER visit.

I am enjoying a weekend away, running my third half this year. It’s been a great foray back into exercise after a few years and pregnancies. And of course I’m knitting… Socks.

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