Sew Lisette Blog

I’m having my 15 minutes of Fame on the Internet! I’m featured over on the SewLisette blog wearing the Souvenir shorts I made a couple of weeks ago!

They do a feature on Fridays where they show people wearing versions of the clothes they’ve made. I’m trying to burn through my stash right now rather than buy new fabric, so I have to dig out the pieces I have which would be big enough to make a dress for myself. I’m dying to make the Souvenir blouse too, or maybe even the whole dress. The other one I want to do is the Diplomat. I have a muslin done for that, but it needs a few adjustments. After I’ve done my Kids’ Clothes Week Challenge I definitely need to do some summer sewing for myself.


Someone forwarded me this link and an “invite” to Pinterest. This site is totally up my alley – I have a huge folder in my Documents of “Ideas” – pictures I paste off the Internet and file away for future reference. This is a perfect way to do it in the cloud, and of course it has a social networking aspect to it as well, so you can get ideas form other people’s virtual bulletin boards. Trying to figure out a way to put it in my sidebar… got to find a Widget. If anyone wants an invite, let me know – I think I can give out invites although I’m not totally sure.