Bedtime Story Pajamas

Okay, I am kind of cheating here and back-dating posts, but here are the bedtime story jammies I made in December. WordPress wants to change the word “jammies” to “jambes” but I will not be deterred! Is “jambe” even a word in English??

I made them in flannel (from Dressew – colour ran quite badly so I was thankful I prewashed it alone) with quilting cotton binding (think it’s Riley Blake but not sure). They went together in one day, from cutting them out to sewing them up. That day was Christmas Eve of course, which I spent sewing in a mad rush instead of, I dunno, relaxing with my kids. I think I made up for it on on Christmas and Boxing Day, but next year I shall strive to finish their Christmas jams a little earlier in the month.

Christmas morning

I didn’t have enough flannel to make two pairs, but M did get some coordinating pants. Flickr is being annoying and not letting me publish the photo of the two kids together, so you’ll have to just use your imagination on that one.