Skirt Week

This post was going to be about the wonder of buttons and a commentary on the fantastic Slate article on the history of buttons. But then I logged in to see a comment telling me I won a prize in Skirt week and now I’m too giddy to talk about buttons. My Crescent skirt won “Judge’s Choice” for the Full Skirt Category and I’m feeling all Sally Field: “You like me! Right now you like me!”

Speaking of buttons – I now have a button:

I never win anything! Okay, that’s not true. I have won something twice. In about 2002 I won “Fire Safety Week” draw at my work, and an e-mail went out to the whole Department (over 1000 people) saying I’d won and advising me to collect my prize. I did and it was a…fire extinguisher! Very useful indeed, but not quite as exciting as the e-mail had intimated. Another time I entered a draw at my supermarket. First prize was a year’s worth of groceries. I did not win first prize. I won second, and it was a snowboard. I do not snowboard. And it was a large man’s snowboard. And I won it in May. We sold it on Craig’s list a few years later so that worked out. But needless to say, this was far more exciting than either of those occasions.

Thanks to Crafter’s Hour for hosting the contest, and thanks to every single judge. I won by one vote, so every vote really did count! And wow, there were some truly lovely skirts on there, some of them beautifully elaborate. That Star Wars skirt is awesome! I wish I had some Star Wars fabric – P would go wild for it.

2 thoughts on “Skirt Week”

  1. One of my friends on instagram is doing a thing called wear a dress every day in June. This post made me think of it and it reminded me of you too! 🙂

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