5 Days Old

I wanted to come and write out my birth story and how that all happened and some of the moments of joy in the insanity. But as so often happens, events have overtaken things and last few days have been difficult. Cora, Twin A, just can’t seem to catch a break. Initially she was was doing well, but she has now been ventilated for several days, has had a lung collapse, and generally a tremendous amount of stress. We’re also in a bit of shock about other news we got about her, which I am not yet ready to talk about. I can’t wait until she is off some more of her tubes and I can hold her again. We keep thinking that maybe today will be the day, but so far we just don’t know.

Beautiful Beatrice, who was the twin who was ruptured for so long, is doing very well and when I called at 6 a.m., they said she’d had a great night. We anticipated her having lung problems due to PPROM, and she did at first, but she is holding her own and is breathing with just a little help, so we hope she keeps holding her own and wailing her little wee kitten cry at the nurses when she is annoyed.

What is tremendous is how much I love them both despite all the tubes and machines.

4 thoughts on “5 Days Old”

  1. I know these days must be so hard. Please know that even strangers are thinking about you and wishing you well. Thank you for updating about the babies.

  2. I love their names. 🙂 so glad Miss Beatrice seems to be doing so well. Praying for Cora that she will get stronger every day! Xoxoxo

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