Last Day of Maternity Leave

So today is my last official day of maternity leave.  I’m sure if you’ve been following my constant posts about how the end is near, you’re thinking goodness, I thought it ended ages ago.

M started daycare this week – just a few hours a day building up to a full day, and it’s been strange but pleasant to have a few hours to myself during those times.  As you might remember, she was born the day after I went on leave, two weeks early, so I didn’t get the two-week break I had anticipated.  So this week I’ve shopped, had grown-up lunches (mmm…blue cheese cheesecake) and of course done tons of errands.

When I went back after P, I was really sad and nervous.  But this time I’m sort of excited.  M is such a different baby – she already quite likes daycare, and laughs and claps at the other children.  I also have a difference peace of mind – she’s being taken care of by the same lovely woman who’s cared for P for the last 2+ years, and we know her well now.  The other families at the daycare are known quantities, so I know who she’s spending time with.  And I’m thrilled to be working four days a week, which I hope gives me the balance between doing interesting work, and getting lots of time with two of my favourite people, M and P.  We also have some fun trips planned – San Francisco in a few weeks, and lots of camping over the summer, so that will be great.

Anyway, we’re off to a full day – bowling, participating in a fun study at UBC Infant Cognition (M has done a few of these) and then, since it’s a gorgeous day, maybe the beach or a walk in the woods.  Hopefully this is representative of lots of Fridays to come.

The “Urban Hoody”

So this is a little dorky, but I’m kind of into dressing the kids in matching, (or rather coordinating outfits!).  Both the kids have gone through growth spurts recently, so they were in need of some hoodies.  I used Heidi and Finn’s Urban Hoody pattern.  This was my first time trying a PDF pattern bought online and I’m sold.  The instructions were really clear and well-written with loads of pictures.  My only issue was the instant gratification – it took about five or six hours for the pattern to be e-mailed and I was so ready to start sewing right away.  I was assuming it would be e-mailed out automatically as soon as payment was received.

I did run into trouble because I lined the knit hoodies with non-stretchy qulting cotton – a beginner’s mistake.  But in the end we recovered from that and I think they turned out okay.  If I hadn’t done that, the buttons would have been  on the side, like in the photo on the website, instead of centered.  I find these days the problems I run into aren’t necessarily technique, but in not understanding the qualities of the fabrics I’m using.  But I’m learning.  Even since I’ve made these a couple of weeks ago, I’m feeling a bit more comfortable about my fabric choices.  I guess this is progress!

It’s not easy to find information on fabrics, because for me at least, I think I only really get it once I have a chance to touch it in the fabric store, and work with it.  I’ve since made a voile project, and also a silk and linen jacket which I hope to show you once I get around to adding the buttons.  But here are some posts that have been useful at helping me understand the options out there:

Oliver and S: Knit Fabric Basics
Adventures in Dressmaking: Good fabrics for beginners
The Dreamstress: Voile and Lawn: What’s the Difference?

I will definitely make this hoody again, but I think next time I won’t bother lining the whole thing – just the hood.  Also, I’d size up.  I made the size four for three and 1/2 year old P, but I think a size five might have been better, although he’s a slim kid and not unusually tall.  I don’t think this is entirely attributable to my use of non-stretchy lining either, although that’s certainly part of it.  I made the 18 month for 10 month old M and it was perfect.

Boy Baking

The differences, alleged and real, between boys and girls is something that has always fascinated me.  There are so many boy stereotypes that don’t fit P – “rowdy, busy, into everything.”  P loves to wear make-up, and bake.  (Actually, I’m not sure if he loves baking so much as licking the spoon, but you get the idea.)  But it’s true that he’s not interested in traditional dolls or stuffed animals.  Today we looked through my “Martha Stewart bakes cookies” app to choose what to make.  He was very drawn to these heart-shaped blondies, and decided that’s what we would make.  He was very excited to find a heart cookie cutter among the jumble of baking things in our bottom drawer.

“See,” I thought, as I browned the butter.  There’s nothing that different between boys and girls.”  Hearts. Baking.  These aren’t inherently female. I busied him with mixing the flour as I browned the butter (and ate my breakfast).

And he played for a good 20 minutes with the heart cookie cutter and the flour… “Here comes the heart!  Whoosh! Down to the ground!  Buried under the YUCK!!  It doesn’t see anyfing!  Walk over to da house and da feet went downer downer downer and PSSSSSSSSHHH and shot up into de air.  The dust SHOT UP INTO THE AIR!  UP INTO THE AIR!  Like a WOCKET SHIP! And the heart FLEW UP and bounced right into the mucky marsh!!!”

Now, I’m sure some girls might do the same, but it ended up being the most stereotypical boy baking I’d ever experienced.

Craft and Garden Apron

Looking at my last few craft posts, I realise it looks like I do all my sewing for Miss M… but I don’t!  Really.  I was so excited when Oliver + S: Little Things to Sew came out.  The book has 20 projects for children.  Oliver +S publishes lovely children’s patterns.  The book has lots of smaller projects, like bags, toys, smocks, hats – that sort of thing.  Some are simple – a little bear hat, and some are more complex, like a puppet theatre. Most are equally appropriate for boys or girls, although a few of them (the red riding hood, a doll’s dress, a tutu) probably appeal more to girls. Although I am sort of tempted to make P a tutu, since he loves to dance. Who wouldn’t want to twirl around in one?

The apron is the first project I tried from the book.  I think P will love wearing this when he makes pancakes with J on Saturdays, or even when he works in the garden with me.

As you can probably tell, the pattern itself was quite simple.  As recommended, I made homemade double-fold bias tape and it took for-evah!  Part of what I like about the book is that it really teaches you – there’s a whole section on making bias tape, and why you’d do it.  So even though you’re making simple things, I feel like I’m learning.  However, I do not have a bias tape maker so it took me an excessively long time.  I think next time I’ll use single fold bias tape, or just buy the cheap poly-cotton blended pre-folded stuff.  At least I learned another skill to file away for reference.

The fabric is from Ikea – a great source for home decorating fabrics, especially if you like their LARGE prints. The home dec fabric is heavier, and therefore better at keeping spills off him than simple cotton. This fabric actually has a slightly water-resistant feel – I think it might be for a tablecloth or something.  I have some other Home Dec fabric from there that is more like a light canvas.










I had quite a bit of this fabric, so I fussy cut the pieces to make the front with that big blue spiral.  I really love the way the back turned out with those two birds.

P’s Photos

Sometimes P likes to play with the camera on my phone.  That device is so intuitive, he knows exactly how to navigate to what he wants.  This generation is going to be so technologically proficient.  To P, a big screen tv is a “computer”, because we don’t have a TV in our living room, so when he watches his shows, it’s on my laptop or iPad mostly.  To pause it, he will try to touch the screen. 

I present P’s photos.


Baby Doll Shirt

Sewing can’t always be about the kids!  Sometimes it’s important to sew for yourself too!  And with spring right around the corner and my return to work impending (less than a month) I thought I’d freshen up my wardrobe with a few things made for me.

My lovely sister-in-law sent me Christine Haynes’ book Chic and Simple Sewing after seeing me lust after it in a quilt shop.  I decided to make this baby doll shirt first, and I’m very pleased with how it turned out. Pardon the goofy photo – next time I’ll model it against my back fence or something, but in the meantime, here it is.

The book is called “Chic and Simple” and the shirt was indeed simple to put together – it took me about an hour and a half.  It’s definitely a baggy baby doll, but I like the look.  It would also be cute tucked in to a high-waisted skirt or pants.

My sister-in-law warned me that some of the reviews on Amazon Canada were a bit negative.  But I’m pleased with it – there are several projects in it that I’d like to do, including a couple of tops, a dress, and a very basic skirt.  The author also includes some basic techniques, like learning working with bias tape and gathering. Another feature I really liked is that it tells you exactly which pattern pieces to cut out for each project. I have a few books like this, and in some of them you really have to hunt to find what you’re supposed to cut out, and halfway through you might realise you forgot a cuff or a facing.

The book is definitely one for very beginners – none of the projects are remotely tailored, and hence are all quite casual. There are no zippers or even buttonholes.  Still, I think this is a great book for someone just starting to make clothing. I know it’s given me some confidence. Although I haven’t shied away from making stuff for the kids, for some reason I’ve been intimidated to make things for myself. But since this top worked out so nicely, my next project for me is going to be a linen and silk jacket from another, slightly more advanced, level book I have.

(Fabric for the shirt is from Denyse Schmidt’s Hope Valley Collection in Piney Woods.)

Ice Cream Dress 2

I made the Oliver and S ice-cream dress again – this time it was much faster. I didn’t do them the contrasting hem this time because I was thinking it would be more of a tunic come summer – also, I didn’t have enough of the stripey fabric. I made this out of a bedsheet I found at a thrift store – love the vintage-y flowers and dots! Of course, it required much washing and sterilising because I am paranoid like that. I let my kid eat dirt, yes, but a thrift store sheet? Hm.

I can’t believe I have just two more weeks of maternity leave. Part of me has been looking forward to the return, but I feel very sad knowing that this time with M is over. For ten months, we’ve been together all the time, excepting the odd few hours here and there. Her little two-tooth grin lights up my day. We know each other so well, and she’s such wonderful company. We’ll never know the details of each other’s lives so well again. And now that time is coming to an end, and I’m going to miss her so much.


I have a thing against reward programs. I think the administrative costs are outrageous, and I’d rather just have the savings reflected in the price, or interest rate. I’m also hopeless at remembering to cash these things in, and so is J. I don’t even do frequent flier miles. But at my bank, I can get a reward card for free and the interest rate is no worse than the free card, so we have one.

The other day I logged in for the first time in three years and realised I have quite a significant number of points. I could buy something very practical – like a gift card to Home Depot which we could use towards our basement reno costs, or something totally frivolous, that I would never normally outlay the cash on. Guess what I chose?

I don’t have much ‘real’ jewellery, but ever since I turned 30, I’ve sort of craved some. I just want a few things to hand down to the kids, or to wear to a cocktail party and feel glamourous. Still, it’s something I have trouble spending money on. J is a great gift-giver, but his idea of the perfect Valentine’s gift is from Lululemon (and I love it!)

There’s something very evocative about a blue Birks box – makes me think of my grandmothers gleaming brown dressing table, which smelled like varnish, and her box full of tangled rings and bracelets. I don’t even know if that’s a real memory or just one I made up.

I was worried they’d be too matronly, but when I put them on they make me feel like Audrey Hepburn. I’m thinking these will be my new work day staple. They’re a bit too big for every day jeans and t-shirt wear but I haven’t been able to take them off.

Pretty, no?

Banana-Raspberry Pancakes

Pancakes are a weekly ritual around here. J is the pancake master, and over the years he has perfected his own recipe. Recently we started adding bananas, and they are amazing. With the banana and wholewheat flour, they’re also really filling, which isn’t the case for most carb-loaded breakfasts. I asked him for the recipe to share with you and was amazed to find out they have no sugar in them. Of course J and I douse them in (REAL! ALWAYS!) maple syrup, but P often eats them plain. They’re also one of the few things M will eat lots of, so I have frozen a bunch between sheets of wax paper so we can send them to daycare when she starts in 3 weeks… (AAAH!)

2 eggs
1 1/4 c milk
1/4 c yoghurt
1 1/4 c unbleached white flour
1/4 whole wheat flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
dash of salt
3/4 banana mushed up
handful of crushed frozen raspberries (optional)

Mix the wet ingredients in one bowl, then add in the dry ingredients. Grease your pan, ladle in your pancakes and flip away.

More Quilt Blocks

You’ve probably forgotten about this quilt for P and M by now, but I keep plugging away at it. I have now finished all the blocks and am sewing together the quilt top. At one stage I thought I’d mix all the blocks together, but after laying it out that way, it was just too much. So I went back to my original idea of a rainbow quilt – stripes of red, orange, yellow, green and blue. I keep fussing with it and ripping out seams, but I really think I’m going to love it when I’m done.